Itemization of Pain

Heavenly Father,

Although pain may inspire the outpouring of our grief, the expression of our loss and the consequences it brings.  Help us to also express the profound hope we find in our faith.

There is no logic or intellectual explanation of faith.  With faith we can remove mountains and with faith we are not exempted from sufferings.

 Widen our understanding of who you are, deepen our acceptance of the power of your love, so we can embrace your divine purpose.

Amidst darkness and despair, may we focus on the glimmer of light that will lead us through.

In Jesus’s name, we pray.


The Mean Beast

It attacked me in the midst of sleep, growling and grinding  at my tired presence comatosed in sleep.
Weak with sleep I couldn’t find the strength to slay the beast of pain.  I certainly thought it would simply go away, all I wanted was to  continue the slumber of sleep.

In the midst of the struggle a dream inserted itself where I was scheduled to speak when I was absolutely unprepared.  They said I was speaking from Ezekiel, it was either chapter 3, 23 or 33.  In the dream it had a 3, that’s all I know as I stood up to the unknown, it was at that time I awaked with great fright. 

It was not enough that the beast invaded my peaceful night and created a restless slumber with pain.
It was not satisfied with ruining the night but decided to be my date and engulfed my being with pain the entire day.

A vital day of the blessings of life spent on captivity of pain
A full night and day of pain and agony was what the beast devoured of me. 
There was so many things to be done but most of all I made it through and with the new mercies of God, new opportunities are ahead to be resting in his arms and to suceed in the blessings he has given to me.


The Scream

Sometimes it takes a scream from the depths of the soul.  Sometimes the words cannot sound the pain, anger and perplexity of life.
Sometimes a teardrop can not hold the pain and sorrow it feels.
So, I scream the emotions too deep to be carved by the confinement of sense.
I scream to express the madness of feelings that ravishes the floors and ceilings of my being.
A loud incoherent sound that only God truly understands along with the big whY?
And How did this happen?
My scream shoots in the darkness of pain like a rocket entering the orbit where God sits and reminds me with the stillness of his love, there is a place prepared where there will be no more pain and tears, hang on and scream or groan, even then, I read your heart.
